
Verde Calabria is an export company specialized in the production of olive trees and Mediterranean plants

The best of both worlds.

With a network partner in the Netherlands, we are now able to provide quality products with the full range of logistic, sales and distribution services from Melimex import. They are a well established logistics provider with an outstanding reputation and ideally located on the premises of FloraHolland, the largest flower auction in the world. This networking relationship allows us to offer services from start-to-finish.

Not only does Verde Calabria handle production, and export its produce, we are actually the growers. Our company's unique ability to control the production process from growing to exporting permits us to make long-term business plans, accurately forecast crop yields, and provide an altogether quality product.

the romance of the Mediterranean in your own garden.

Driving through southern Italy, it is easy to see that the most abundant crop in Calabria is the olive. In certain areas, tidy line after line of olive trees stretch for as far as the eye can see. In Calabria more than 192 000,00 ha is devoted to olive groves. Puglia still represents the most important region, but in 2008 Calabria was mentioned the highest yielding producer with 5.5 tons per hectare. (19.3% of olive yield.)

From a geographical point of view, our groves are located between 30 and 45 °N, which in general is the geographical distribution of suitable areas for olive-tree production in the northern hemisphere.


Who We Are What We Do Why We Matter

Future Offerings

Verde Calabria was founded with a desire not only to sell olive trees and Mediterranean plants, but also to bring you the finest extra-virgin olive oils, straight from the people who make it.

These oils will come from the Calabria region where we have many friends and well-established connections with small artisan producers.